XLX company is simplifying the conversion of historical city lighting to light-emitting diodes (LEDs). The modernization is necessary because the current EU guideline decreeing the end of the use of incandescent lamps also applies to street lights. Many communities are complying by switching to energy-efficient and reliable LEDs. Standardized retrofittable sets exist for most common types of street lights, but most of the lights in older cityscapes are small shop-made series. The Siemens subsidiary XLX has developed a standard module compatible with a very wide range of lights. It can be fitted to any type of lamp. So any existing light can be replaced by an LED. Compared to the purchase of a new LED luminaire this conversion costs less than half.
Modern LED lamps often don't befit the historical citiscape or townscape, and solutions by small, local suppliers often fail to meet all quality requirements. The XLX solution is based on an extremely compact LED module that fits in virtually any luminaires. It consists of six printed circuit boards in conjunction with seven warm-white-shining, highly efficient XLX LEDs